Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

Istilah Cargo

1 AWB Air Way BillAWB adalah sebagai bukti pengiriman  barang melalui udara, pada airway bill terdapat barcode yang dapat melacak  posisi baran, Airway bill ini juga berguna untuk mengidentifikasi barang
 2 A/F Air FreightA/F adalah biaya pengiriman barang dengan menggunakan pesawat
 3 B/L Bill of LadingSurat / Dokumen yang diterbitkan oleh Shipping Line / Freight Forwarder untuk setiap pengiriman barang Export. Bill Of Lading ini di terbitkan pada tanggal keberangkatan Kapal. Bill Of Lading ini nantinya akan diberikan kepada consignee untuk mengambil barang di tempat tujuan (pengambilan import). Fungsi dari Bill Of Lading ini sangat banyak. Selain sebagai bukti pengambilan barang di tujuan, juga dilampirkan dalam proses pembuatan COO
 4 CBM Cubicationadalah metode perhitungan material dengan menggunakan kubikasi sehingga dapat menentukan pengiriman menggunakan jenis kendaraan apa atau container jenis apa saja.
 5 C.I.F Cost Insurrance & FreightMetode Pembayaran di Pelabuhan Muat. Artinya, sebelum melakukan pengiriman barang tersebut sudah di lunasi oleh Consignee. Dan biaya asuransi maupun ongkos kirim sudah di bayar oleh Shipper di Pelabuhan Muat.
 6 C.&.F Cost & FreightMetode Pembayaran yg tidak jauh berbeda dengan C.I.F, tetapi dalam kasus C & F, pihak Shipper tidak membayar asuransi / tidak mengasuransi kan barang tersebut.
 7 CFS Container Freight StationContainer Freight Station yaitu mode pengiriman dari Gudang LCL Negara asal sampai ke Gudang LCL Negara tujuan. CFS-CFS menandakan bahwa mode pengiriman barang tersebut dengan cara LCL.
 8 CY Container Yardyaitu mode pengiriman dari Tempat Penumpukan Peti Kemas Negara asal sampai ke Tempat Penumpukan Peti Kemas Negara tujuan. CY-CY menandakan mode pengiriman barang tersebut secara FCL.
 9 CNF Cost and Freightadalah harga barang ditambah dengan  ongkos kirim,  tetapi tidak termasuk biaya asuransi barang
 10 Consignee Consigneeadalah Importeer atau si Penerima barang. Nama dan alamat lengkap Consignee harus tertulis jelas didalam dokumen2 seperti : Bill Of Lading, Packing List, Commercial Invoice, COO, PEB (Pemberitahuan Export Barang), PIB (Pemberitahuan Import Barang ketika Importir mengurus proses pengeluaran barang dari Pelabuhan).
 11 Closing Time Closing TimeTenggat waktu normal yang di perbolehkan bagi cargo / barang yang masuk ke tempat penimbunan sementara seperti gudang CFS atau UTPK (Unit Tempat Penumpukan Peti Kemas).
 12 Commercial Invoice Commercial InvoiceDaftar rincian barang mendetail yang berisikan nama Shipper, Consignee, Notify Party, Nama Vessel & Voy, Nilai Invoice per Item barang maupun total keseluruhan, Jumlah barang.
 13 Certificate of Insurance Sertifikat AsuransiCertificate of import cargo insurance
 14  Certificate of Origin Certificate of OriginSertifikat Asal Barang. Diterbitkan oleh DISPERINDAG kepada exporter. Kegunaannya adalah sebagai bukti keaslian barang dari Negara Asal yang tertera pada Bill Of Lading (B/L)
 15 Commercial Invoice Commercial Invoiceadalah suatu dokumen yang diperlukan untuk barang-barang yang terkena bea saat  tiba di Negara tujuan, dokumen ini akan menjadi dasar perhitungan pihak bea dan cukai
 16 Customs Clearance Customs Clearanceadalah proses administrasi pengiriman dan atau pengeluaran barang ke / dari Pelabuhan muat / Bongkar yang berhubungan dengan Kepabeanan dan administrasi pemerintahan.
 17 Consolidasi ConsolidasiAdalah proses yang biasanya dilakukan freight forwarders untuk menggabungkan  banyak kiriman menjadi satu kiriman, dan hal ini dapat memperkecil biaya ongkos kirim secara keseluruhan
 18 DO Delivery OrderSurat yang diterbitkan pihak shipping atau forwarder kepada shipper sebagai tanda bukti pengambilan container kosong dan atau tanda bukti pengiriman barang dari gudang shipper ke UTPK atau Warehouse.
 20 DEPODEPOTempat Penumpukan Kontainer
 21 Descriptions of Goods Descriptions of GoodsDetail dari pengiriman material yang tertera pada surat jalan, packinglist ataupun bill of lading
 22 ETA Estimation Time of Arrivaladalah perkiraan waktu kedatangan Kapal
 23 ETD Estimation Time of Departureadalah perkiraan waktu keberangkatan Kapal
 24 EDI Electronic Data InterchangeEDI adalah pertukaran data komputer antar aplikasi melintasi batas-batas organisasi, sehingga intervensi manusia atau interpretasi atas data tersebut oleh manusia [RITCHIE 94] dapat ditekan seminimum mungkin. Akibatnya data dalam EDI tentunya harus dalam format terstruktur yang bisa dipahami oleh masing-masing komputer. Salah satu aplikasi penggunaan EDI dalam membantu sistem infrormasi seperti yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah.Dalam jangka panjang, usaha pemerintah untuk meningkatkan cadangan devisa harus didukung oleh kegiatan ekspor.
 25EMKL Ekspedisi Muatan Kapal LautEkspedisi Muatan Kapal Laut
 26 FCL Full Container Loadedyaitu jenis pengiriman barang dengan menggunakan container. Walaupun quantity barang tersebut lebih pantas dengan mode LCL, tetapi jika shipper mengirimkan barangnya dengan menggunakan container maka jenis pengiriman ini disebut dengan FCL. Pengiriman barang dengan mode FCL maka kita harus mendatangkan container ke Gudang kita untuk process stuffing (proses pemuatan barang). Setelah stuffing selesai, container itu kita segel dan kita kirimkan ke Tempat Penumpukan Peti Kemas di pelabuhan. Proses bagaimana cara mendatangkan container ke gudang kita akan di jelaskan pada bab yang lain.
 27 F.O.B Free On BoardMetode Pembayaran di pelabuhan bongkar baik itu Harga Barang (Nilai Commercial Invoice), Asuransi (Insurrance) dan Biaya Pengiriman (Freight)
 28 FIAT FIATProses untuk ttd dokumen impor.( Process for signing the release paper for cleared goods.)
 29 Freight Prepaid Freight PrepaidSistem pembayaran biaya pengiriman barang di pelabuhan muat
 30 Freight Collect Freight CollectSistem pembayaran biaya pengiriman barang di pelabuhan bongkar
 31 Flat Rack Container Flat Rack Containeradalah container yang bagian samping kanan dan kirinya terbuka. Kontainer ini digunakan untuk memuat barang yang lebarnya melebihi standar lebar container DRY.
 32 Feeder Vessel Feeder VesselKapal pengangkut container dengan kapasitas kecil yang mengangkut container dari pelabuhan muat menuju pelabuhan transit untuk di pindah ke Mother Vessel. Contoh : dari Tg. Priok menuju ke Singapore atau Hongkong….dsb
 33 G.W Gross WeightYaitu berat kotor dari berat kemasan dan berat barang itu sendiri
 34 LCL Less than Container Loadedyaitu system pengiriman barang tanpa menggunakan container atau dengan kata lain pengiriman barang yang kapasitasnya dibawah standar kapasitas muat container.
 35 LHP Laporan Hasil PemeriksaanLaporan pengecekan setelah pemeriksaan fisik
 36 Mother Vessel Mother VesselKapal pengangkut dengan kapasitas besar yang mengangkut container dari  pelabuhan transit menuju pelabuhan tujuan.
 37 Notify Party Notify Party Notify Party adalah pihak kedua setelah Consignee yang berhak untuk di beritahu  tentang adanya suatu pengiriman dan penerimaan barang export / import. Dalam prakteknya,
Nama dan Alamat Notify Party ini sama dengan nama dan Alamat Consignee. Tetapi
ini semua tergantung dari perjanjian awal antara pihak Shipper dan Importeer. Nama dan alamat         lengkap Notify Party harus tertulis jelas didalam dokumen2 seperti : Bill Of Lading, Packing List,       Commercial Invoice, COO. Atau jika Notify Part sama dengan Consignee maka cukup ditulis
 38 N.W.N.W.adalah singkatan dari Net Weight / berat bersih yaitu berat barang sebelum di kemas.
 39Open Top ContainerOpen Top ContainerKontainer yang bagian atasnya bisa dibuka / terbuka. Kontainer ini digunakan untuk pengiriman barang yang tingginya melebihi standar ketinggian container DRY.
Ocean Freigh ( O/F ) adalah biaya pengiriman barang dengan menggunakan kapal laut.
 40OB (Over brengen)OB (Over brengen)Pemindahan secara paksa terhadap barang impor karena gagal melakukan  proses kepabeanan tepat waktu. Forcible removal of the import cargo for failing timely
Port Of Loading yaitu Pelabuhan Muat
 42 P.O.DP.O.DPort of Discharge yaitu Pelabuhan Bongkar
 43 Place of DeliveryPlace of Deliveryyaitu Tujuan akhir Pengiriman Barang
 44 Place of ReceiptPlace of Receiptyaitu Tempat Penerimaan Barang
 45 PENDOCPENDOCPenerimaan Dokumen.( The custom department for receiving the import clearance
 46 PFPDPFPDPejabat Fungsional Pemeriksa Dokumen.(The custom department checking import clearance applications in Pendoc.)
 47 PIBPIB Pemberitahuan Impor Barang.( Import cargo details including HS number and this works as       the import duty calculation base.)
 48 Shipping Mark & NumberShipping Mark & NumberShipping Marks & Number adalah jumlah carton dan tanda  pengiriman yang tercantum di kemasan barang. Data Shipping Marks & Number ini tercantum
didalam Packing List dan Bill Of Lading.
 49 ShipperShipperShipper adalah Exporteer atau si Pengirim barang. Nama dan alamat lengkap Shipper           harus tertulis jelas didalam dokumen-dokumen seperti : Bill Of Lading, Packing List,
Commercial Invoice, COO, PEB (Pemberitahuan Export Barang), PIB (Pemberitahuan Import
Barang ketika Importir mengurus proses pengeluaran barang dari Pelabuhan).
 50 Shipping ScheduleShipping ScheduleJadwal Pengapalan. Jadwal ini diterbitkan oleh pihak Shipping Agent. Berisi       mengenai ETD Vessel, ETA Vessel di pelabuhan bongkar, mode pengiriman (Cepat atau
Lambat), Rute Kapal dan Pelabuhan Transit dan Nama Kapal Pengganti (Jika memang
service pengiriman-nya harus menggunakan lebih dari 1 kapal).
 51 SpaceSpaceTempat yang tersedia didalam kapal
 52 Shipping InstructionsShipping InstructionsSurat pengajuan pengiriman barang yang diterbitkan oleh shipper
 53 SPJK (M, H)SPJK (M, H)Surat Persetujuan Jalur Kuning (Merah , Hijau).(Yellow (Red, Green) channel
 54 SPJMSPJMSurat Pemberitahuan Jalur Merah
 55 SPPBSPPBSurat Persetujuan Pengeluaran Barang.(Cargo exit order.)
 56 SSPCPSSPCPSurat Setoran Pabean, Cukai, dan Pajak.(Duty payment order.)
 57 Surat TugasSurat Tugasduty assignment for clearing personnel.(duty assignment for clearing personnel.)
 58 TPSTPSTempat Penimbunan Sementara.(A temporary warehouse for import cargo.)
 59 Warehouse AIRINWarehouse AIRINGudang sementara di Jakarta.(Name of a temporarary warehouse in Jakarta.)

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Jenis Defect Coffee

Dalam menentukan standar qualitas kopi bisa dibilang gampang-gampang susah, karena selain secara alami ada juga beberapa jenis faktor dan juga penggolongan defect Kopi itu sendiri.
Dan dalam hal ini Green Beans itu dapat digolongkan ke bebrapa jenis dari mulai : Blue-Green, Bluish-Green, Green, Greenish, Yellow-Green, Pale Yellow, Yellowish, Brownish.

Kelembapan dalam Green Coffee : dalam proses pencucian biji kopi diharapkan kandungan air yang terkandung adalah 10-12% dan angka ini menjadi standar SCAA dalam penentuan klasifikasi penetuan Green Beans.

1. Full Black
    Ini adalah Defect yang menimbulkan seluruh atau sebagian biji kopi itu berwarna hitam. Jika seluruh biji kopi berwarba hitam maka bisa dianggap adalah Primary Defect, dan jika mengalami kurang dari setengah atau setengah biji kopi maka bisa dianggap Secondary Defect.
Faktor yang menyebabkan ini terjadi antara lain adalah micro-organisms.
Efek yang ditimbulkan rasa yang asam, rasa yang kurang dapat dinikmati , serta pahit.

2. Foul Sour
    Ini adalah Defect yang terjadi karena faktor microbal, ciri dari bij yang dapat dilihat secara visual adalah adanya bintik hitam pada biji kopi. Jika Foul Sour tercampur dalam proses roasting maka akan mempengaruhi terhadap biji kopi lainnya yang akan mempengaruhi tingkat keasamaan biji kopi lainnya. Hal yang menyebabkan terjadinya antara lain; biji yang terlalu matang, biji yang telah jatuh dalam proses picking, kontaminasi air dan buah.

3. Fungus Damage
    Ini adalah Defect yang kebanyakan terjadi karena fungi dari Aspergillus, Penecillium genus yang menyerang biji kopi, hal ini terjadi karena faktor temperatur udara dan juga kelembapan daerah dimana biji kopi itu tumbuh. Dalam kasus ini lebih banyak disebabkan oleh faktor alam.

4. Foreign Matter
    Ini adalah Defect yang kebanyakan karena benda asing yang bukan bagian dari biji kopi dan juga tanamannya. Semisalnya kayu, batu dan benda-benda lainnya. Hal ini akan merusak biji kopi itu dan juga alat yang kita gunakan.

5. Dried Cherry
    Ini adalah Defect yang terjadi karena adanya buah kopi yang tidak sukses dalam poses sorting dan hulling kopi itu sendiri, kebanyakan buah cherry yang kering ini akan bisa mudah terlihat dalam proses sorting sebelum atau sesudah kopi itu diroasting.

6. Severe Insect Damage
    Ini adalah kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh hama yang menyerang biji kopi itu sendiri, dan green beans yang terserang hama ini akan mengalami seperti kerusakan atau busuk di bagian bijinya.

7. Broken
    Ini adalah kerusakan biji yang terjadi karena adanya proses alami atau juga proses yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan dari manusia didalam proses pengeringan serta adanya benturan yang terlalu kerasa antara green beans dan mesin.

8. Immature Bean
    Ini adalah kerusakan yang terjadi karena adanya biji yang belum matang yang lolos dari proses sorting dan juga akibat proses picking dari buah yang belum matang.

9. Shell
    Ini adalah kerusakan yang terjadi akibat biji yang ada di dalam satu buah yang dengan kata lain kurang sempurna karena dua biji menjadi satu (kembar dempet), sehingga hal ini menyebabkan biji menjadi cacat dan belah.

10. Hull / Husk
     Ini adalah kerusakan yang banyak terjadi di biji kopi yang melewati natural proses, karena kulit dari biji kopi tidak mengalami proses pengelupasan yang sempurna sehingga ikut terbawa ke dalam green beans yang akan mempengaruhi biji kopi itu sendiri.

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Filter Kaffee

Filter Kaffee
This writing was made for enhancing the knowledge about coffee notably for the baristas steeping into the world of manual brewing. There are many factors and there are no right or wrong in the coffee world because it will eventually depend on coffee lovers. However, there are several main factors to do the manual brewing.
In this writing, writer will discuss about brewing from the basic.
What we need for brewing?

1.      Fresh and good coffee

·         When we start drinking and brewing coffee, it will be good if we select a fresh coffee seed and we already know the type of the seeds (Arabica or Robusta), how the seeds are harvested, and how those seeds are dried.
·         We can also plunge into the coffee farms and we can get a satisfaction by sharing knowledge about how do they harvest the coffee seeds, drying process, how do they market those seeds, and how do they fix their life.
·         From the writer’s experience, Roster can be found almost in every big cities from the small Roster to the bigger one that already provide all kinds of coffee from the local area to abroad. There are also Roster or coffee shop providing 3rd-Wave-Generation from coffee.

a. Roster

·         Coffee has a tons of aroma. There are 1,000 aroma that a coffee seed has and many of the customers do not know much about this. Biology process is the first step of the roasting process and there are a million reaction in a single process. The coffee seeds goes through a color, shape, texture, and aroma changing. The coffee seeds that often use for coffee filtering are bright coloring seeds. By using those seeds, we will get an aroma, sourness, and the flavor that we want.

b. Grinder

·         A grinder is a process that coffee seeds turn smaller and be ready to use. The grinder process determines whether the coffee that we brew will produce a nice aroma or not. We should use the seeds right after the seeds are grinded because it will lose the 65% aroma within 15 minutes.

2.      Water and temperature
·         Water is an important element that we use in brewing coffee. A cup of coffee actually only has 2% coffee and 98% water. The temperature that we use for brewing coffee is 90-93 degree Celcius. That is a standard temperature that baristas use, and the length of water and coffee extraction depends on what type of brewing that we use.
3.      Scale and Timer

·         A good coffee is a coffe that has a right size and precision. These two elements is important for making a cup of coffee that we want.
·         Brewing coffee has a different time length. It depends on what type of coffee that we use. The more course the coffee seeds are grinded, the more time that we need for brewing and vice versa. For example, the time that French Press needs is 3,5 to 4 minutes.
a.      Kettle
·         In manual brewing process, we have to own a special kettle built for enriching us to do an extraction process. The purpose of which is for us to get a perfect timing for brewing. The amount of water and coffee have a significant influence on the result. If the extraction process produced a big amount of water, the result will be sour. However, the result will be bitter if the process takes a long time to produce water.
Those are the basic things of the process of manual brewing that we need to prepare. We can develope it along with our’s experiences and the routines because barista is passion, love, and experience.
Stay tuned for the next interesting writing!

Jumat, 15 Juli 2016



How important is water? Water make up 99% of brewed cup of coffee but is often overlooked. There are two things to remember about water: filtration and temoerature.


If possible, avoid using tap water and use filtered or bottled spring water instead for brewing your coffee. If you use tap water, the impurities and the other ill tasting particles in the water may materialize in the Coffee, ultimately affecting its flavor.

It is recommended to heat water to approximately 93 Celcius. If the Water heated to ideal temperature, essential oils from the coffee will not be fully extracted, resulting in a weak, light and sour tasting coffee. Many home drip maschines don't achieve this temperature. This lead to coffee that doesn't taste up to their full potensial of Coffee.

Water can transform the character of a coffee. It can accentuate its acidity, or wipe it out entirely. It can increase or decrease body, change extraction. It affects the way we roast and the way we brew.
Hot water can be added to the infusion after brewing to reduce the concentration and flavor intensity of the brew, thus changing the drinking ratio. Experimentation will lead you to your own personal brewing and drinking ratios. It is always wiser to brew your coffee on the strong side and then "cut" it to taste with water. If coffee is brewed too weak, all you can do is start over.
The Brewing Itself
Understanding the extraction process will enable you to learn how to brew coffee successfully. First, the grind (aggregate size) of the coffee is crucial. The finer the grind, the more surface in relation to mass is exposed to the hot water. An un-ground coffee bean results in the least amount of surface area in relation to mass, and would be impossible to brew successfully. The tendency is to assume that the more finely coffee is ground, the better the resulting infusion will be. This is where you can destroy a good cup of coffee. If the grind is too fine, and the exposure too long, you'll get much more than you want. Over-extraction of the aggregate will dissolve too many of the undesirable compounds, generally referred to as "bitters". The trick is to get just what you want out of the coffee, and no more.
 It is of the utmost importance that you understand that the brewing time must be controlled exactly. Improper brewing time is one of the main reasons that people get different results when preparing coffee. If you shorten the extraction time, you'll fail to dissolve the essential flavor compounds that were so carefully developed during the roasting process. Again, over-extraction of will dissolve too many of the undesirable compounds. For example, alkaloids are one group of compounds that dissolve more slowly than others, and are very bitter. The challenge is to get the aggregate size and the extraction time in perfect balance.
There is an important exception to "exact brewing time". 90 percent of the solubles are extracted during the initial phase of the brewing process. It is possible to achieve your best results with a grind that's slightly on the fine side, and shortening the extraction time. For instance, when I use our ground coffee in a French press, or the brew and filter method, I use a 3 minute extraction time. Since our grinder is calibrated to grind coffee that will achieve a 4 minute extraction time in a commercial airpot brewer, for my taste, 4 minutes in the French press over-extracts with our ground coffee. By the same token, you can also use more coffee than usual in a drip brewer with a short extraction time. It's all a matter of increasing surface area, reducing extraction time, and getting less of the bitter compounds that take longer to dissolve. It comes down to experimentation, and finding your perfect brewing formula.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Roasted at Home

Roasting of coffee is one of the most important processes on the way of its transformation from berry to a perfect drink. Among coffee fanciers there are those who prefer coffee of dark roasting. Such coffee has a slight bitterness, that invigorates. There are also those who prefer coffee of light roasting that gives a bit of sourness and fine aroma.
Coffee gourmets and simply those who like coffee as it is, more often roast coffee at home. It is explained by the fact that one has the possibility to control the process of roasting. You can choose coffee grades from all over the world, control the time of roasting and set your own standards of light, medium and dark roasting. But you have to remember that it's impossible to get such quality of coffee while roasting at home as you can get due to industrial production. It is difficult to get guarantee qualitive roasting inside and outside the bean at home, because of lack of necessary technologies.
Before you start your experimental home roasting be ready to spoil the first portion but don't be upset, practise makes perfect. You'll spoil not one kg of coffee on the way to perfection.
It is better to roast coffee in a cast-iron pan, as in the oven it roasts unevenly and needs to be stired very often. Before roasting wash the pan assiduously to make away with all unnecessary scents that can spoil coffee aroma. At first green beans are washed and dried out. You can drain them in a natural way - on the air or you can wipe them with a towel.
Heat the pan beforehand, strew coffee in a thin layer and roast on a slow feeble fire. Gradually increasing the fire maximize it. Don't laze always to stir it in order the beans were evenly "covered with a tan". Some coffee lovers in the process of roasting add butter or oil on the assumption 1 tablespoon on half a kg of coffee. Than the coffee is more fragrant but it is preserved worse.
The time of roasting depends on quantity of beans, on thickness of a layer, on power of heat and even on the grade of coffee. Some people think that one should roast coffee beans till they get the colour of chestnut. When beans start to crackle they discharge oil that means that you can take the pan off the fire. When you've finished roasting get coffee out the pan and dry it on air for nearly 5 hours. Then put it into capacity where you'll keep coffee. After roasting at home beans get different hues but it won't influence the qualityof coffee essentially.
Green coffee beans may be kept for years. And roasted coffee better to use right after roasting. That is the advantage of roasting at home - you can always have at hand fresh coffee. Experimenting with roasting you can find the best stage of roasting coffee for yourself. You can even create new mixes.

Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Coffee Roasting

Coffee beans’ roasting is possible even in home conditions: in an oven on oiled cast-iron or iron frying pans for about an hour. Such home roasting demands big experience and attention. It is important that the internal part of coffee beans turns out fried thoroughly and the external part at the same time doesn’t burn. Coffee roasted in home conditions is of poor quality and it is difficult to compare it with professionally roasted coffee. In coffee industry coffee is roasted in four various ways: thermal (contact and convective), dielectric, radiative and by infrared rays.
The oldest is the thermal contact way of roasting when heated metal drum walls transfer warm to coffee beans creating magic taste and aroma. Such way has not found wide application, especially after appearance of convective devices in coffeeprocessing enterprises in Brazil and the USA in 1935. The current of air heated to 200 degrees in such devices paints coffee beans in chestnut colour, and different grades of coffee leads up to different degree of darkness at that. In drums fragrant beans are roasted not definitively but get only soft brown colouring allowing coffee beans to "come" at the expense of own heat. Thus uniformity of roasting is provided; beans do not contain impurity and get a brilliant surface.
At roasting by dielectric way microwave energy is used. As waves of ultrahigh frequencies are capable to get evenly deep into coffee beans irrespective of their size, balanced homogeneous taste is characteristic to the beans roasted in such a way. Such features of microwave energy allow making the roasting process continuous and faster, and coffee contains the maximum quantity of extractive substances.
The USA was the first to begin experiment application of radiating energy in coffee manufacturing. As a rule, roasting by means of such energy (in a scientifically way - energy of ionising radiation) was used for the combined ways of manufacture - at first coffee beans are examined with gamma rays, and then are roasted on standard technologies of thermal processing - but already in a shorter period of time.
As a way in manufacture infra-red rays are also applied. For each grade of coffee optimum roasting modes are figured out - temperature and time combination. And time intervals are estimated in minutes and even seconds. Sometimes superfluous seconds can become critical – beans char and lose the valuable properties.
In the course of thermal processing coffee beans increase in size but simultaneously lose flesh about 20 percent at the expense of evaporation of water, combustion of extraneous particles and decomposition of some substances. But at roasting a new element - cafeol is born – it allows us to enjoy fine aroma of roasted coffee.
There are some steps of roasting:
Not roasted:
Properties of coffee - Raw beans, 12 % humidity.Temperature, ºС - roomSigns - Green (pale-grey with a greenish shade) and smooth.
Properties of coffee - Steam release forces a bean to extend.Loss of weight, % - 13,0Temperature, ºС - 93-135ºSigns - Light brown colour. Light taste saturation, weak aroma with a bread smell. Absence of oil on a surface.
Properties of coffee - Beans continue to increase in size. The first “crack” is audible. The acid maintenance is bigger than sugar.Loss of weight, % - 14,0Temperature, ºС - 168-190ºSigns - Moderate light brown colour, with a dry surface, bit of sourness. Increase in size.
Properties of coffee - Strong increase in bean. The stage of «the first crack» comes to an end.Loss of weight, % - 15,0Temperature, ºС - 198-218ºSigns - Beans crack because of the allocated gases.
Full City:
Properties of coffee - Beans strongly increase in size. Balance of acids and sugar. The stage of «the second crack» beginsLoss of weight, % - 16,5Temperature, ºС - 223-229ºSigns - Brown colour of an average saturation, basically with a dry surface, with oil traces. Balanced acidity, full saturation of taste.
Properties of coffee - The gas most part is lost., the stage of «the second crack» comes to the end.Loss of weight, % - 17,0Temperature, ºС - 229-235ºSigns - Bright brown colour, occurrence of drops of oil on surfaces, sweetish-bitter tones of taste. Muffled acidity, strong saturation.
Properties of coffee - Aroma reduction, sugar caramelization.Loss of weight, % - 18,0Temperature, ºС - 235-240ºSigns - Dark brilliant surface with oil stains. Sweetish-bitter taste dominates. Acidity is muffled.
Properties of coffee - Radical reduction of acidity, sugar caramelization.Loss of weight, % - 19,0Temperature, ºС - 240-246ºSigns - Dark black colour, beans are covered by oil. A smell of burnt oil. Distinctions, characteristic for green coffee are completely muffled. Bitter - sweet-bitter taste dominates.
Properties of coffee - The bean loses characteristic aroma of coffee.Loss of weight, % - 20,0Temperature, ºС - 246-262ºSigns - Black, dry brilliant surface. Burnt bitter taste dominates.

Senin, 18 April 2016


Concentrated beverage brewed by forcing nearly boiling wate runder pressure with ground coffee. Espresso has more caffeine per unit volume than most beverages.
The World “shot” is most commonly used as the basic unit of measurement in cafes and restaurants. People used term “shot of espresso”. A solo shot is usually 1 ounce of espresso, doppio is most often used for a double shot, and triplo for a triple shot.
A Professional operator of an espresso maschine is called barista, which is Italian for bartender.
            Perfect Pull
Freshness: Freshly roasted coffee beans ( i.e. within 4 days of being roasted) will create more bubbles when pulling a shot. This makes a shot run slower when pulled causing less taste. Old roasted beans (i.e. after 14 days of being roasted) will taste flat with less aroma. The optimal range for most espresso shots is 1 to 2 weeks after being roasted.
Speed: If you notice that your shot speeds vary dramatically from one shot to another, it may be a sign of inconsistent doses. Check to make sure you use the same amount of grounded coffee beans for each shot for a more consistent speed.
Taste: If you notice that even with proper speed and amount your shots are tasting bad, it may be a good sign to clean your maschine.
Dose: The amount of coffee used for a shot espresso. An example for a single shot is 18g.
Time: The time it takes to pull a shot of espresso is usually 20-30 seconds long.
Grind: Having your grinds too long may results in longer extraction time. Having your grinds too coarse or low dose may results in shorter extraction.

Pulling: Action of making a shot of espresso.